Halton holistic coaching NLP Coaching - Career Transitions - Brand Marketing - Personal Growth
Discover the Path to Awakened Consciousness of Never-Limiting Possibilities!
Website: https://lorijazvac.wixsite.com/haltoncareercoach/
Email: haltonholisticcoaching@gmail.com | Phone: 905-730-2374
Invest in your professional and spiritual growth through NLP-based coaching and let's work together to drive resolution.
** NLP Coaching Sessions
$200 each (1 hr) **
tax added for CAD residents

Do you want to change a habit or set new goals? Do you desire more personal success?
Invest in interactive, goal-focused coaching towards enhancing your personal growth.
Offering life purpose and spiritual based coaching.
** Spiritual Career OR Life Purpose Coaching with Angel / Oracle Cards
** $50 ** each
(3-5 card pull)
1 question
** $100 ** each
(Complete reading with pendulum)
3 questions
Distance Reiki healing with meditation
(1st degree Reiki Certified)
(tax added for CAD residents)

CAREER transitions
Navigate your next career transition using my unique branding and career storytelling approach.
Heal your career journey and move past restructurings/downsizings or career obstacles to new horizons!
** Customized Master-level Resume
Cover letter
Reference Page
LinkedIn profile and resources
1 hour coaching
Includes Bonus Course and LI banner
** starting at $300 + tax and up **
depending upon level, client goals/needs, and work requirements
Bonus -Receive my Job Search Course/Kit at 50% off when you invest in the above package

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